Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Have you fallen in love with the wrong thing?

This from a conversation with a client yesterday...

Client: We've redesigned our statements so now we can put an advertisment in this space (points)... what should we say?

QF: It's a perfect opportunity to strengthen your relationship with them, or to offer other services.

Client: We thought we should just sell ourselves and not push hard on services. I’d like a message to make the client feel great about dealing with us.

QF: You mean more like a “Thanks for being a client” sort of a message?

Client: No, we want to tell them how great we are.

That makes me sick to the guts.

Jay Abraham once said "One of the biggest mistakes, probably the biggest mistake, people make in business is that they fall in love with the wrong thing. They fall in love with their product, service or company. You should believe passionately in your product, service or company. But you should fall in love with your Clients."

He's right.

Who are you in love with?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How's that working for ya?

One of our favourite questions when talking with Clients comes straight from Dr. Phil.

"OK, so you haven't done any direct response marketing yet--all your advertising so far has just tried to get your name out there... So, how's that working for ya?"

What's something you've been doing for ages, without questioning it? How's that working for ya?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007